Cyber Security
AA. VV., Information Warfare. Le nuove minacce provenienti dal cyberspazio alla sicurezza nazionale italiana, a cura di Umberto Gori e Luigi Sergio Germani, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2011.
AA. VV., Modelling Cyber Security: Approaches, Methodology, Strategies, Gori Umberto (ed.), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2009.
AA.VV., Information Warfare 2011. La sfida della Cyber Intelligence al sistema Italia: dalla sicurezza delle imprese alla sicurezza nazionale, a cura di Umberto Gori e Luigi Sergio Germani, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2012.
Jean Carlo, Savona Paolo, Intelligence Economica. Il ciclo dell’informazione nell’era della globalizzazione, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli, 2011.
Stallings, William (2002). Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice. Pearson Education.
Deibert, R., J. Palfrey, R. Rohozinski en J. Zittrain (2011, eds.) Access contested. Security, identity, and resistance in Asian cyberspace, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press.
AA. VV., Networks and Netwars. The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, edited by John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, 2001.
Articoli e Saggi
Ablon, L., M. Libicki and A. Golay (2014) "Markets for cybercrime tools and stolen data. hackers’ bazaar", RAND National Security Research Division, Santa Monica: RAND.
Boyle R., "DARPA Looking to Reinvent Network Security, With Inspiration from Adaptive Biological Systems", Popular Science, August 2010.
Dunn Cavelty Myriam, "The Militarisation of Cyber Security as a Source of Global Tension", The Center for Security Studies (CSS), 2012.
Goolsby Rebecca, "On Cybersecurity, Crowdsourcing, and Social Cyber-Attack", Wilson Center, Washington, 2010.
Stall Terrier Sacha, "The Future of Cybersecurity, Centre For Strategic Studies", The Hague, 2011.
Singer P.W. "Corporate Warriors The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry and Its Ramiacations for International Security",International Security, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Winter 2001/02), pp. 186–220.
Clemente Dave, "Cyber Security and Global Interdependence: What Is Critical?", A Chatham House Report, February 2013.
Brito, J. and T. Watkins (2011) ‘Loving the cyber bomb? The dangers of threat inflation in cyber security policy’, Harvard National Security Journal, 3 (1): 41-84.
Broeders, D. (2014) "Investigating the place and role of the armed forces in Dutch cyber security governance", Breda: The Netherlands Defence Academy.
Council on Foreign Relations (2013) "Defending an open, global, secure and resilient internet", New York: Council on Foreign Relations.
Dunn Cavelty, M. (2013) ‘From Cyber-bombs to political fallout: Threat representations with an impact in the cyber-security discourse’, International Studies Review, 15 (1): 105-122.
Dunn Cavelty, M. (2014) ‘Breaking the cyber-security dilemma: Aligning security needs and removing vulnerabilities’, Science and Engineering Ethics, 20 (3): 701-715.
Eeten, M. van, and M. Mueller (2013) ‘Where is the governance in Internet governance?’, New Media & Society, 15 (5): 720-736.
Hansen, L. and H. Nissenbaum (2009) ‘Digital disaster, cyber security and the Copenhagen School’, International Studies Quarterly, 53: 1155-1175.
Hoboken J. van, and I. Rubinstein (2014) ‘Privacy and security in the cloud: Some realism about technical solutions to transnational surveillance in the post-Snowden era’, Maine Law Review, 66 (2): 487-534.
Stockton, P. en M. Golabek-Goldman (2013) ‘Curbing the market for cyber weapons’, Yale Law and Policy Review, 32 (1): 101-128.
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