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CSSII Centro Universitario di Studi Strategici Internazionali e Imprenditoriali

Commonwealth of Nations

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 54 independent and equal countries. It is home to 2.4 billion people and it includes both advanced economies and developing countries. Member Governments have agreed to share goals like development, democracy and peace. The heart of the Commonwealth are three intergovernmental organizations: Commonwealth Secretariat, Commonwealth Foundation and Commonwealth of Learning. In the domain of cyber security, the organization focuses on capacity-building, information-sharing and in assisting Commonwealth Member States in implementing a comprehensive legal framework in responding to cybercrime and acquiring cyber evidences. The two principal platforms for these activities are the Cyber Security Forum and the Cyber Security Initiative, which operate under the umbrella of the Commonwealth Telecommunication Organization (CTO).




Commonwealth cyber declaration

The Commonwealth Cyber Declaration was adopted at the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting in 2018. Member States committed to build a cyberspace that supports economic and social development, rights online, that builds the foundation of an affective national cyber response and promote stability in cyberspace through international cooperation.


CTO Strategic Plan 2016-2020

In 2016 the CTO decided to embark on a new Strategic Plan for the period 2016-2020, based on the Vision Statement and Outline of Strategic Plan prepared by the new CTO Secretary-General and presented to the CTO Council Meeting. The theme of the new Strategic Plan is “Transforming the CTO for Enhanced Value for its Membership”. The plan is structured around six strategic goals: 1) Enhance the value of CTO membership and expand CTO’s membership base 2) Promote enabling regulatory environments 3) Promote affordable universal and high-quality broadband connectivity 4) Promote a culture of cybersecurity and effective cyber governance 5) Promote the development and use of ICT applications for socio-economic development 6) Ensure effective coordination of Commonwealth countries and international ICT conferences and meetings.




Commonwealth Cybergovernance Model

Here, the CTO offers a set of principles intended to guide Commonwealth members to plan and implement practical actions in policy development, regulation and legislation, cross-border collaboration, capacity building, technical measures and operational activities.


Cybercrime recommendations Botswana Meeting

Law Ministers adopted in 2014 a landmark report on cybercrime in Commonwealth countries which includes recommendations for the development of national strategies and enhanced coordination efforts. 




Commonwealth cyber declaration Program

The Commonwealth Secretariat has worked on 4 distinct projects in order to implement commitments for the Cyber Declaration, with the support of the British Foreign Affairs and Economic Ministries. The Commonwealth Secretariat has partnered with UNODC, CARICOM IMPACS and the Council of Europe. The projects are 1) African Cyber Resilience 2) Electronic Evidence Training in the Caribbean 3) International Co-operation 4) Election Cybersecurity.




CTO- Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization

CTO is an associated organization of the Commonwealth in the field of ICTs. It supports its members in delivering effective ICTs through its three operational divisions: technical support, consultancy and advisory services, capacity development and events and conferences. CTO’s work focuses on six main areas: enchanted membership value, regulatory environments, universal broadband, cybersecurity, application and Commonwealth coordination.


COMSTAS- Commission on Sciences and Technology for Sustainable Development in South

The Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1994, composed of 26 Member States. Headquarters are located in Islamabad, Pakistan. COMSATS works for a sustainable socioeconomic rise of developing countries through the use of science and technology. COMSATS also provides an institutional platform for the promotion of cooperation between South-South countries and their triangular cooperation with Northern countries.

last update: 24-Aug-2020
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