Organization of American States
The Organization of American States (OAS) is a regional organization which includes all 35 States in the American continents. Its main contribution to cybersecurity stability was the effort in strengthening cybersecurity capacities. Through its Interamerican Committee on counter-terrorism (CICTE), the OAS trained and aided Latin American States to develop cybersecurity national strategies and to develop their own incidents resolution capacities. In April 2017, the CICTE adopted a resolution creating a working group as to establish CBM in the region. The Resolution’s text explicitly refers to three UN Reports on GGE and their CBM’s approvals as a stimulus for the creation of the working group.
Comprehensive Inter-American Strategy to Combat Threats to Cybersecurity: A Multidimensional and Multidisciplinary Approach to Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity
This document lists the resolutions adopted by OAS Member States for the creation and promotion of a cybersecurity culture.
Research and Reports on Cybersecurity
This is a series of OAS publications in the field of cybersecurity, divided by topic.
OAS White paper series
This is a collection of white papers on cybersecurity and ICT risks, published in partnership between the OAS and AWS (Amazon Web Service, an Amazon division).
Best Practices for Establishing a National CSIRT
This is a detailed guide helping OAS Member States in the process of creating national CSIRTs.
Declaration on Strengthening Hemispheric Cooperation and Development in Cybersecurity and Fighting Terrorism in The Americas
This Declaration is divided into 28 points reaffirming the will to strengthen CBM and transparency in the use of cyberspace, the fight against terrorism and the respect of international law.
Declaration on the Protection of Critical Infrastructure from Emerging Threats
This is an OAS statement regarding the commitments to be undertaken for the protection of critical infrastructures from emerging threats, such as cyber-terrorism.
Declaration on Strengthening Cyber-Security in the Americas
It is a Declaration in which the OAS condemns terrorism and renews its commitment to fight it and prevent it through international cooperation. It is also stressed the importance of creating national CSIRTs within OAS Member States.
Meetings of Government Experts on Cyber Crime (Working Group on Cyber-Crime)
These are a series of meetings, carried out internally within the OAS, to increase international cooperation in the fight against cybercrime.
Meetings of Ministers of Justice or other Ministers or Attorney General of the Americas and Cyber Crime
These are a series of meetings held since 1999 with the participation of the Ministers of Justice of OAS Member States aiming at improving international legal cooperation.
Meeting of the Working Group on Cooperation and Confidence-Building Measures in Cyberspace
These are a series of meetings held by the Working Group on Cooperation and Confidence-Building Measures in Cyberspace aiming at creating and increasing CBM processes within the OAS.
OAS Cyber Security Programme
This Program promotes research initiatives, the strengthening of technical skills and the developing of cybersecurity policies across the Americas. This program is based on three fundamental pillars: policy development, capacity building (with exercises and training) and research.
Inter-American Cooperation Portal on Cyber-Crime
This Portal facilitates cooperation and information exchange on cybercrime between governmental representatives of OAS Member States.
Hemispheric Network of Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) (OAS Hemispheric Network)
This Online platform is meant for the collaboration and information-sharing on cyber-attacks and cyber-threats among OAS CSIRTs.
Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)
It is a regional entity with the purpose of preventing and combating terrorism in the Americas, through cooperation and dialogue between OAS Member States.
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)
This Commission jas the duty to identify and evaluate the necessary technical standards for the web and IT systems’ security. In other words, CITEL has two different roles: 1) to mediate between “standards-setting bodies” and Member States on the identification of cybersecurity technical standards, 2) to promote research programs and of capacity building.
Group of Governmental Experts, Reuniones de Ministros de Justicia u otros Ministros, Procuradores o Fiscales Generales de las Américas (REMJA).
This Group has the duty to assist Member States in providing technical support in the elaboration and actuation of legislations in this field. Namely in IT systems protection and in preventing the exploitation of computers by criminals through the promotion of mechanisms favoring cooperation between national agencies and law enforcement bodies.