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CSSII Centro Universitario di Studi Strategici Internazionali e Imprenditoriali

Cyber Warfare






AA.VV., Cyber Warfare. Techniques, Tattics and Tools for Security Practitioners, Elsevier Pubblisher, Walthman MA, 2011.

Clarke A. Richard, Knake K. Robert, Cyberwar. The Next Threat to National Security and What to do About It, HarperCollins Pubblishers, New York, 2010.

De Landa Manuel, War in the Age of Intelligent Machine, New York, Zone Books, 1991, La guerra nell’era delle macchine intelligenti, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1996.

Demchak C. Cris, Wars of Disruption and Resilience. Cybered Conflict, Power, and National Security, The University of Georgia Press, Georgia, 2011.

Ghioni Fabio, Preatoni Roberto, Ombre asimmetriche. La guerra cibernetica e i suoi protagonisti, Robin Edizioni, Roma, 2005.

Lonsdale J. David, The Nature of War in the Information Age. Clausewitzian Future, Frank Cass, London, 2004.

Singer Peter W., Wired for War. The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century, The Penguin Book, New York, 2009.

Van Creveld, Martin, Technology and War. From 2000 B.C. to the Present, Brassey’s, London 1991.




Articoli e Saggi



AA.VV., "Countering Cyber War", in NATO Review, Winter 2001/2002, pp. 16-18.

Arquila J., "Cyberwar is Already Upon Us. But Can It Be Controlled?", Foreign Policy, March-April, 2012.


Arquilla, J., Ronfelt, D., "Cyber War is Coming!". Comparative Strategy, Vol. 12, No. 2, Spring 1993.

Borg, S., "Logica della guerra cibernetica", in LiMes, Quaderno Speciale, aprile 2012, pp. 47-53.

Coll S., "Stuxnet and the Rewards (and Risks) of Cyber War", The New Yorker, Jun 2012.

Gorman S., Barnes J.E., "Cyber Combat: Act of War. Pentagon Sets Stage for U.S. to Respond to Computer Sabotage With Military Force", Wall Street Journal, May 2011.

Lombardi Federico, "Cyber Warfare, quali regole...?", in Informazioni della Difesa, 5/2010, p.74.

Rid T., "Think Again: Cyber War. Don't fear the digital bogeyman. Virtual conflict is still more hype than reality", Foreign Policy, March/April 2012.

Shmuel Even and David Siman-Tov, "Cyber Warfare: Concepts and Strategic Trends Memorandum No. 117 May 2012", Institute for National Security Studies Tel Aviv.

Alberts David S., Garstka John J., Hayes Richard E., Signori David A., "Understanding Information Age Warfare, Chris C. Demchak and Peter Dombrowski Rise of a Cybered Westphalian Age", Strategic Studies Quarterly 5, no. 1 (Spring 2011): 32-61.

Dmytryszyn Mark C., "What is Required For An Offensive Cyberspace Operation To Be Considered Just per Traditional Just War Theory. A Persuasive Thesis on Just War Analysis Of Cyberwarfare", Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama March 2011

Parks Raymond C., Duggan David P. "Principles of Cyber-warfare United States Military Academy", West Point, NY, 5-6 June, 2001.

Mumford Andrew, "Proxy Warfare and the Future of Conflict", The RUSI Journal, 158:2, pp. 40-46, April 2013.

Cornish Paul, Livingstone David, Clemente Dave, Yorke Claire, "On Cyber Warfare", A Chatham House Report, November 2010.

AIV/CAVV (2011) "Cyber Warfare, nr. 77, AIV/ nr. 22, CAVV", The Hague: Advisory Council on International Affairs.

Deibert, R. (2013b) "Black code. Inside the battle for cyber space", Toronto: Signal.


Gross, M. J., "World War 3.0". Vanity Fair, March 30, 2012.


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